Sunday, May 30, 2010


Sometimes, I don't know how tightly the door is closed until it opens.  A moment yesterday, perhaps inspired by not-too-much sleep and too much coffee, about two hours before noon, when I realized:  Not only do I have an entire day and night of pleasure awaiting, but a life.

Heart and soul gushing with joy, I tumbled into the day's mundane.  First stop, stamps at the post office.  Everyone in town apparently had the same Saturday thought, so I leave; I still have some at home.  On to a good workout at the health club, shower, lunch; a walk with a friend, then out to buy kefir (for Thunder, mostly) and milk and one yam; then an early supper, eaten while changing clothes.

A date, soon.  Because I don't have one at home. Because we share a love of the outdoors and long walks and whose body looks an awful lot like Rich, and because he accepts where I am and doesn't touch my emotions.  Because we don't share a love, but are finding something in one another in this moment and this, I'm trusting, will keep opening the doors that I can't yet enter.


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