Thursday, July 8, 2010

taking the world

You take the world into yourself and you write about it. -- C.K. Williams, poet

Not everyone is a poet, or a writer.  But everyone, I believe, needs to find a way to make sense of their lives, a task that is both a privilege (I'm not starving, I have shelter, I have clothing) and a responsibility.  Otherwise we risk becoming voyeurs who watch the stories of our lives and those of others, chopping ourselves into pieces that please or impress or whimper or reveal nothing.  Think "Facebook."  Think this blog.

Death does more than chop.  It pulverizes the world that was created, a world incarnate in another human.

What I have learned: The world cannot be incarnated.  Rich held my heart and my love and he did the dishes.  He is gone, and now I have to do the dishes, but my heart and love remain -- what else can explain the calm, joy, and peace that weaves through the grief?

What is beyond incarnation is interpretation.  And so I write, I walk, I arise in the morning wondering where I will see love today, and rarely go to bed disappointed.  It's out there, it's in here, and on the best days words fade away.


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