Thursday, February 18, 2010

sloth envy

Some mornings when Rich already had breakfast, solved inscrutable problems, shoveled the driveway, painted the house, travelled to the moon and back, achieving all this while I still blissfully slept, he would come into the bedroom and check for proof.

"Hmmm...surprised there are not three toes..." he would say.

But I could not be insulted.  In truth, if I could fill out an application, "Next Time Around," my choice #1 would be "Three-Toed Sloth."

Sloths are the world's slowest-moving mammal.  So sedentary, in fact, that National Geographic notes, "algae grows on its furry coat."  They sleep 15-20 hours a day; even when awake, they often remain motionless.  Sounds and sights do not disturb.  In his novel Life of Pi, Yann Martel writes, "the three-toed sloth lives a peaceful, vegetarian life in perfect harmony with its environment...upside-down yogis deep in meditation..."

What I would give for such an existence, these days.

Not that my life should be overly busy.  But grief plays with time, stretching a chore that should be one hour into four, and then slopping over into the next day when I won't remember where I left off, or why this was even necessary.  Such insanity, I'm assured, is normal. 

A well-adjusted sloth -- aren't they all? -- would proceed at the same pace as always, sleeping as always, hanging out as always, in a life untouched by agitated senses that remember and regret and, most of all, miss the touch of the creature who did it all.


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