Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Flying insects have invaded.  About a year ago, in fact.  But, really, who noticed such little things a year ago?  Death or deep sleep quieted them over the winter, and now they're back, and brought their cousins, friends, acquaintances.  Mostly, they confine themselves to one hallway.  They don't bite, or get into food, and die all too easily, succumbing to a slight swipe of the hand.

But, somehow, I now feel they must leave (pretty good euphemism, no?)  I need the illusion of clean.

So I will call an exterminator tomorrow and ask what gentle environmentally friendly methods are available.

Which reminds me of years ago, when the building where I worked was invaded by ants.  The exterminator, when asked if there was a way she could be gentle, laughed.

"You mean you want me to kill them without hurting them?"

Well, no...kill them, but don't harm the humans.  Somehow, that sounded virtuous, then.


1 comment:

  1. The environment we're in does play a role in how we feel. If you get your lights on, the bugs out, and things may start to look and feel a little brighter for you too. Maybe there is a tall teenager in the neighborhood who can come over to help with the lightbulbs?
    I love the idea of exterminating without harm. It reminds me of the time, when I was a child, and we had bees in our dining room wall. The beekeeper came and vacuumed them out - not all survived, but almost all did, and we were glad that they got a new, more appropriate home - plus we had lots of sweet honey for years after that, cut from the honeycombs in our own wall on that day. I am sure there is a metaphor waiting to be unpacked there. Love you, Heather
